No matter what kind of neighborhood you live in, whether that’s a suburb, a city block, or an apartment, the ideal neighborhood is a safe neighbourhood. In fact, the safety of your neighborhood has a direct correlation to your overall quality of life, as well as that of your children.


By taking an active role in making your neighborhood a true community, you make it a safer place to be. This means taking the time to acquaint yourself with your neighbors and investing time in your community. It also means watching out for your neighbors, and taking appropriate action if a suspicious situation arises.

In this article, we will discuss important aspects and indicators of neighborhood safety, as well as what you can do to make your community safer. Everyone wants, and deserves, to live in a safe neighbourhood. Put in the effort to make your neighborhood a safer and friendlier place – your life will be better for it.

How safe is my neighbourhood?

The overarching theme shared by all safe neighborhoods is that neighbors know each other. Essentially, they’ve gone from people who simply live next to each other to a true community of people who look out for one another. So the most important thing you can do to make your neighborhood safer is to get to know who your neighbors are.

People who have made their neighbourhoods into cohesive communities tend to keep their eyes and ears open. They watch out for vulnerable members of the community, like children and older residents, and stay alert to suspicious or potential criminal activity. Neighbors who have made the effort to get to know each other also have the benefit of relying on one another, whether that means watching your house while you’re out of town or helping shovel your driveway during a storm.

A strong sense of community also encourages pride in the neighborhood. People who like where they live and who they live with are incentivized to maintain their properties and invest back into their communities. Keeping your neighborhood tidy and well-lit helps keeps it safe. Maintain your personal property and encourage your neighbors to make similar efforts.

Who are my neighbours?

So we’ve established that the best way to keep your neighborhood safe is to get to know your neighbors. If you’re thinking to yourself, “but I don’t even know who lives on my street,” not to worry – it’s never too late to start.

Make an effort to introduce yourself to the neighbours who live closest to you, and take a stroll around the block to meet those who may live farther away.

If you have a neighbor who arouses you suspicion for any reason, it may be worthwhile to find out a little more information about them for the safety of you and your family. Instead of searching the internet for something like “who lives on my street public records,” utilize a people search engine like Nuwber. Especially, if you are picking up signs of violence from one of your neighbours, a bit of research into their background can go a long way in protecting you and your family. The websites allows you can access publicly available records, including police records.

As a good neighbor and a good citizen, you have a responsibility to look out for your fellow neighbours. If you notice something suspicious, maybe your neighbour’s house is vacant for days at a time or you hear an alarming amount of yelling coming from the apartment next to you, take steps to check in on them. This can mean knocking on their door or calling the police if the situation merits it. Take the appropriate precautions, keeping your safety and their safety in mind. However, if you do see something, say something.

Moving into my new neighbourhood

Moving into a new neighborhood is never a decision taken lightly, and neighborhood safety can certainly be a deciding factor. During the decision-making process, be sure to take the time to investigate the safety of your potential neighbourhood.

A good starting place is to use the address search feature on Nuwber. Using this search feature, you can get an overview of the types of people you would have as neighbours. This is especially useful if you’re moving to a different city or state, as you may not be familiar with the neighbourhood you’re looking to move into or even have the ability to check things out for yourself in advance. You can also check the neighborhood’s crime rate online as well on the national sex offender website.

If you do have the opportunity to visit the neighborhood before you move, do it! Taking a walking or driving tour of your potential new neighbourhood can help you determine its safety. In particular, look for children playing outside and local businesses. Seeing kids playing outdoors in their neighborhood is a good indicator that their parents feel safe letting them hang out with little to no supervision. Local businesses, like restaurants or shops, are another good sign – it means that the local people invest in their community.

Another good way to find out who lives on your street is to connect directly with possible new neighbors. Ask the folks about how they find the community. In particular, inquire as to whether there are any neighborhood events, like yard sales or block parties, which indicate camaraderie, or if there’s a neighbourhood watch, which demonstrates the neighbors care about safety.

Your neighbors form the backbone of your neighbourhood, and they are a vital part of keeping your community safe. If you are moving into a new location or find yourself suspicious of a neighbour for any reason, take steps to protect your safety by checking into their background. Invest the time in getting to know your neighbours – together you are the first line of defence in maintaining a safe and happy neighbourhood for everyone.

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Akshay Lal
Akshay Is Professional Blogger and Forex Trader.

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