One of the most essential appliances in the kitchen for households is the humble refrigerator. Refrigerators are so much part of our daily lives that we tend to forget that they have been in regular public use for just over a hundred years or so. Before refrigerators, people used ice boxes, harvested ice and also used cool earthen wear to store food.

Nowadays, we preserve food for long periods of time in the refrigerator and most refrigerators have a large number of food items in them. But just like other places within the kitchen and the large households, it is important that the refrigerator is kept clean and tidy.

Overfilling the refrigerator, letting food stains stay the way they are in the refrigerator and let the bad odor persist in the refrigerator is an unhealthy idea.

These are all bad for the health and hygiene of people using the kitchen. Cleaning even the best refrigerator is a tedious process but it is important to clean the refrigerator at least once a month. Cleaning the refrigerator can remove the stains, dirt, dust and also the odors from the fridge. Also, keeping cockroaches from entering the refrigerator is a good idea.

Cleaning the Refrigerator

This helps people get an idea of what all they have stored in the refrigerator and also helps maintain the cleanliness and hygiene in the refrigerator. Cleaning the refrigerator involves cleaning the interiors and exteriors of the refrigerators.

The exteriors of the refrigerator are much easier to clean than the interior shelves of the refrigerators. The following are some of the details about cleaning the refrigerator:
Cleaning the Exterior of the Refrigerators

If the exteriors are regularly cleaned, just simply wiping the exteriors with a slightly wet cloth is enough. Sometimes near the door handles and front areas of the refrigerators, there are dirt, grime, and stains.

Simply using dishwasher liquid and a soft sponge to clean the sides and doors of the exterior is advised. Wiping it clean after this process with a soft dry cloth gives a clean and hygienic look.

Cleaning the Exterior Condenser Coils

There is a lot of dirt and dust that can accumulate in the condenser coils which are outside on the back of the refrigerator. These condenser coils can be very delicate and need to be cleaned in a gentle way. The best way to clean the condenser coils is to use the coil brush and gently remove the dirt from the coils. Using a soft rag to gently clean away the dust is also a good choice.

Cleaning the Interiors

The first step of cleaning the interiors is to remove all the food from the refrigerator. This includes removing the stored food from the freezer, the fruits, vegetables, meals, desserts, drinks, water bottles and all the items that are kept in the refrigerator. Cleaning one part of the refrigerator without removing food from the other part is a bad idea.

Cleaning the Shelves & Compartments

Liquid dishwasher soap is ideal for cleaning the interior shelves and compartments of a refrigerator. Nowadays, the refrigerator often comes with innovative spacious compartments and shelves. Just using a soft sponge or damp cloth with soap to clean each and every shelf and compartment in the fridge is a good choice. It is important to clean the corners and areas where dirt and stains can accumulate in the fridge.

Using Alternative Solutions to Clean

Many times people do not like to use soap to clean the fridge. Cleaning vinegar can be used to clean this appliance. It also removes difficult stains which is essential for cleaning the fridge. Another solution is to clean the refrigerator by using a mixture of salt and lemon juice. Lemons remove the odor in the refrigerator and keep it fresh and clean. Other natural cleaning solutions include baking soda mixed with lemon and also many times tomato juice is used to clean the appliance.

Remove Rotting Food

A major tip for keeping the refrigerator clean is to regularly check the food that is kept in the fridge. Sometimes fruits, vegetables, and even cooked meals tend to go bad and start rotting in the fridge.

This makes the rest of the food unhygienic and also creates a bad odor in the fridge. Removing the rotting food from the refrigerator in a periodic way will help keep bad odor out of the fridge and maintain the cleanliness of the refrigerators.

Every appliance in the household should be kept clean and tidy for it to work well in the long run. An important tip of cleaning the refrigerator is to remove the electrical plug from its switch before cleaning the fridge. The above mentioned are different ways in which the refrigerator can be cleaned in an effective way and it is important to regularly clean this appliance.

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Akshay Lal
Akshay Is Professional Blogger and Forex Trader.

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